Prof. Dr. iur. Winfried Kluth
phone: + 49 (0) 345 - 55 23 223
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Prof. Dr. iur. Winfried Kluth
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Prof. Dr. iur. Winfried Kluth
Winfried Kluth studied law and history at the University of Bonn and the University of Münster from 1979 to 1984. He obtained his doctorate at the University of Münster in 1987 with a thesis titled “Limits of Municipial Participation in The Competition”. Subsequently, Winfried Kluth was a trainee lawyer at the District Court Münster. He also worked as a scientific assistant at the Institute of Constitutional Law at the University of Cologne, before he was conferred qualification as a professor in 1996. His postdoctoral thesis was titled “Functional Self-Government. Constitutional Status – Constitutional Protection”. He was given the venia legendi for the subjects of constitutional and administrative law, European law and finance law by the University of Cologne. Winfried Kluth has held a Chair for Public Law at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg since 1999. From 2000 until 2014 he was a judge at the Saxony-Anhalt State Constitutional Court. Among other things, he is director of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Medicine-Ethics-Law at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg and member of the Executive Board of the German Association of Medical Law (DGM). His research focal points are on health law, immigration law, administrative law, public commercial law, parliament law, party law as well as on law of associations and cooperation law.
Since October 2016, Winfried Kluth has been a research member of the joint research project „GenomELECTION“, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education.
Aktuelle Publikationen & Vorträge
- Kluth, W. (2019): Verfassungsrechtliche Unterschiede der Regulierung der grünen und roten Genomeditierung. In: Faltus, T. (Hrsg.): Ethik, Recht und Kommunikation des Genome Editings. Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg. [erscheint 09/2019]
- Kluth, W. (2018): Genomeditierung - Perspektiven des Verfassungsrechts (aktualisierter Wiederabdruck aus ZfMER 2017/1). In: Müller/Rosenau (2018): iPS-Zellen, Stammzellen, Genomeditierung, Nomos-Verlag.
- Kluth, W. (2018): Genomeditierung - Perspektiven des Verfassungsrechts. In: Zeitschrift für Medizin-Ethik-Recht, Heft Juni 2017, S. 24-32.
- Konferenz "Ethik, Recht und Kommunikation des Genome Editings", 11.09.2019, Berlin: Verfassungsrechtliche Unterschiede der Regulierung der grünen und roten Genomeditierung
- Konferenz mit Workshops "Prämissen und Anspruchsgruppen der roten und grünen Genomeditierung", 10.-11.10.2018, Halle (S.): Verfassungsrechtliche Aspekte für die Praxis der roten und grünen Genomeditierung